Areas of Responsibility
A. Measuring PCard Readiness
PI/PDs and Department Directors interested in participating in the PCard program can measure their readiness by reviewing the following requirements.
- Confirm commitment and support to the PCard Program. Each cardholder should consider the requirement to spend a minimum of $4,000 per year prior to requesting a card.
- Agree to uphold the terms and conditions of the cardholder user agreement and participate in cardholder training
- Maintain knowledge of restrictions and limitations required under award specific terms and conditions and outlined in the PCard policies
- Meet the qualifications as discussed in sections 4.B, 4.C, and 4.D
Individuals must complete a PCard Application and forward the completed application package to their SR Administrator.
B. Cardholder Qualifications and Responsibilities
While full liability rests with SDSURF for immediate payment, the PI/PD or Department Director designates the cardholder authority assigned to each card and is responsible for all purchases. Intentional misuse/abuse of the PCard may result in immediate revocation of privileges, and may include further disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Cardholders may also be financially liable for unauthorized purchases. The Cardholder is the sole authorized user of the card. Other individuals may not use the card.
Cardholders must meet the following qualifications
Individuals must be an employee of SDSU or SDSURF who have a reasonable need to routinely procure goods and or services related to grants/contracts and other programs administered by SDSURF, central staff AND one of the following:
- Be an authorized signer for ALL projects under the PI/PD or Department Director Org code as defined on the project signature card(s) OR
- Be designated by the PI/PD or Department Director as a cardholder for ALL projects under the PI/PD or Department Org code. In these cases, the PI/PD or Department Director must designate PCard authority to the cardholder by signing the application as the Approving Manager. In addition, the PI/PD or Department Director (or authorized signer) must perform the online approval process for this cardholder’s PCard transactions.
- Individuals must have an e-mail address, web access, access to a computer with Adobe Acrobat Reader, scanning and print capabilities
- Grants/contracts or other programs must be in good financial standing with no audit investigations and no unresolved financial liabilities
Cardholder Responsibilities
- Sign the Cardholder User Agreement and agree to comply with the terms and conditions.
- Security and safekeeping of the physical PCard, as well as the account number and expiration date. Cardholders alone are the only authorized users of their PCard and should make every effort to ensure suppliers do not have their credit card on file for security reasons. Some websites encourage or prompt cardholders to save credit card information in their profiles for ease of use. Cardholders should opt not to utilize this function to minimize potential fraud risk in the event that the vendors systems are breached or compromised.
- Securing confidentiality of cardholder information and US Bank Access Online ID and password
- Appropriate use of the PCard
- Compliance with all PCard policies and procedures including:
- Reviewing Procurement Card Program Policy and Procedure Manual
- Attending PCard training
- Working with the Procurement Card Administrator (PCA) to establish and follow internal business controls to ensure proper record keeping, reconciliation, and validation of expenditures
- Reviewing appropriateness, allowability, and availability of funds prior to executing transactions
- Complying with all “Restrictions and Limitations” listed in Section 3. Restrictions and Prohibited Uses of the PCard
- Retaining original, itemized receipts for each transaction
- Obtaining and retaining records of warranty when applicable
- Reviewing each transaction in Access Online for validity and assigning the appropriate fund information within published deadlines
- Reconciling itemized receipts and appropriate supporting documentation to the monthly Account Activity Report
- Preparing the monthly reconciliation packet and forwarding to the Approving Manager within published deadlines
- Provision of accurate delivery information to suppliers
- Resolution of returns/exchanges with merchants
- Submission of online dispute in the US Bank’s Access Online website for disputed items within 60 days of purchase
- Use small business, disabled veteran business enterprises and recycled products whenever possible. A list of S/DVBE suppliers is available from the SDSURF Purchasing website.
- Notify the PCA of any extended absences (i.e. vacation, FMLA, sabbatical etc.)
- Immediately reporting possible fraudulent misuse to US Bank by contacting Cardholder Support at 1-800-344-5696 and completing the Statement of Fraud (SOF) document(s) provided by US Bank within deadline dates.
- Immediately reporting lost or stolen PCard to US Bank by contacting Cardholder Support at 1-800-344-5696 and notifying the SDSURF PCA. (Refer to “Lost or Stolen Cards” procedures in Section 10 in this manual.)
All PCard cardholders are reminded that the PCard is merely a tool to purchase goods and services; it does not alleviate the need for responsible, ethical, and reasonable procurement practices for determining what is purchased, from whom, and at what price.
C. Administrative Assistant (AA) Qualifications and Responsibilities
In some cases an Administrative Assistant (AA) may be designated to assist the cardholder with allocating (but not approving) transactions in US Bank Access Online system.
AA Responsibilities
The AA has the same responsibilities as the cardholder(s) they are assigned to. Refer to Section 4.B,
D. Approving Manager (AM) Qualifications and Responsibilities
The AM is the SDSU or SDSURF employee responsible for oversight of cardholder activity.
The AM must meet the following criteria:
- Must be an SDSU or SDSURF PI/PD who has budget and signature authority on projects administered by SDSURF OR
- Must be an SDSU or SDSURF employee with budget and signature authority on active orgs and funds AND obtain written approval and documentation signed by PI/PD.
- Must have an e-mail address, web access, and access to a computer with Adobe Acrobat Reader and print capabilities.
Note: In some instances, the cardholder and approving manager may be the same. This may occur when the cardholder meets the requirements described above for the Cardholder and AM.
AM Responsibilities:
- Maintaining confidentiality of cardholder information and Access Online user ID and password
- Authorizing cardholder spend profile
- Reviewing and approving of all cardholder charges in Access Online within published deadlines: all charges are appropriate, no prohibited items have been purchased, transactions have been allocated to the appropriate funds and that there is sufficient and approved budget available.
- Verifying that all charges are supported by appropriate documentation and that the documentation is attached to the monthly Account Activity Report and submitted to the SDSURF PCA no later than the 8th of each month
- Notifying the SDSURF PCA of cardholders who are terminating employment, transferring to another department, or will be on an extended leave of absences
- Ensuring that cardholder fulfills responsibilities
- Initiating replacement process for cards and new users.
E. Principal Investigator’s (PIs)/ Project Director’s (PDs) Responsibilities
As the PI/PD is the designated individual responsible for programmatic and financial oversight of the funds, the PI/PD has responsibility for complying with the financial and administrative policies of their projects and is therefore required to approve all requests for PCards associated with any of their funds.
PI/PD Responsibilities
- Oversight of program participants when authority has been delegated to others
- Review and approve all requests to establish new cardholders, approving managers, and administrative assistants
- Monitor PCard activity on designated funds via PI Profile on a regular basis and reporting any suspected misuse or fraud to the Procurement Card Administrator
- Timely notification of employment terminations
F. Sponsored Research Administration Administrator (SR administrator) Responsibilities
The SR administrator establishes and monitors sponsored research and other funds and provides support to the PI/PDs associated with those funds.
SR Administrator Responsibilities
- Reviewing and approving cardholder applications, including card profiles, and correspondence
- Assisting cardholders with questions about allowability of expenditures
- Reviewing and approving specific expenditures for allowability
- Notifying the PCA of any unallowable expenditures or suspected fraudulent activity
G. SDSURF Procurement Card Administrator (PCA) Responsibilities
The PCA is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the PCard program ensuring that it operates smoothly and effectively. The PCA coordinates information between USB, SDSURF, and program participants.
PCA Responsibilities
- Processing new PCard applications and cardholder maintenance requests
- Providing training to cardholders, administrative assistants and approving managers
- Providing support and guidance to program participants
- Distributing cards to cardholders upon completion of requisite paperwork and training
- Collecting, reconciling, and auditing Monthly Remittance Packets
- Issuing and maintaining cardholder guidelines
- Maintaining US Bank Access Online information and ensuring the information agrees with Banner records
- Monitoring purchases for compliance with policies and procedures and reporting abuses, in conjunction with the SR administrator
- Monitoring for fraud and misuse
- Ensuring compliance with published deadlines
- Ensuring internal controls are followed
- Providing updated information and news to cardholder and administrators
- Distributing email reminders to cardholders
- Being knowledgeable about accounting issues, including the application of CA sales and use tax.
- Serving as the liaison between the cardholder and USB to assist and resolve PCard and Access Online issues
- Reconciling the US Bank and Banner systems monthly
The PCA can be contacted by e-mail at or by voicemail at 619.594.5622.