Risk Management
SDSURF Risk Management's responsibility is to help minimize the adverse effects of losses or potential losses, by educating and advising SDSU and SDSURF faculty, employees/staff and students on Risk Management policies and procedures. Risk Management programs are administered in compliance with CSU, SDSU and SDSU Research Foundation policies and procedures, as well as with local, state and federal laws.
Latest Risk Management News and Information
SDSU Research Foundation (SDSURF) aims to provide a working environment that minimizes the potential for workplace violence and other safety/security risks. Violence in the workplace poses a significant threat to the safety and well-being of our employees and the general public. Together, we can work toward preventing workplace violence and promoting the well-being of our faculty, staff, students, and visitors. SDSURF’s Workplace Violence Prevention Plan, in compliance with California Senate Bill 553 and in conjunction with the California State University, aims to prevent violence at SDSURF for all faculty, staff, students, and visitors.
To report an incident, please use the Incident reporting Form Below. Otherwise please review the Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) and training program (PDF Format, 308KB)*.
Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) and training program (PDF Format, 308KB)*.
Workplace/SDSURF Violence Prevention Reporting Form (Adobe Sign Web Form)*.