WorkForce Electronic Time and Attendance Information
All employees and supervisors record and approve time worked in SDSURF’s time and attendance system, WorkForce. Employees and supervisors may complete and approve timesheets from any computer or mobile device with internet access.
WorkForce Roles
In WorkForce, there are “Roles” that may be assigned to active users. These roles come with default permissions that allow individuals to conduct various activities within the system. A description of the roles and assigned permissions and readiness activities follows.
Employee’s Role. This role is assigned to all employees to allow them to complete a timesheet and receive a paycheck from SDSU Research Foundation. Users assigned to this role can:
- View and edit their own time sheets;
- View time sheets for prior pay periods;
- Request or cancel time off;
- Run employee level reports; and
- Submit their own time sheets for supervisor approval.
Employees must accurately record time, certify and submit timesheets within published deadlines. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Supervisor’s Role. "Supervisor" is defined as any employee who has the authority to lead, direct, or schedule another employee. In WorkForce, the supervisor is the person who has reasonable knowledge of hours worked and is responsible for reviewing employee timesheets and certifying the following:
- that the employee has accurately recorded all time worked
- that the employee was not allowed to work any time that is not recorded (non-exempt employees) for the pay period,
- that all exceptions (i.e. vacation, sick leave, jury duty, etc.) are listed for the pay period, and
- that distribution of the corresponding salaries and wages for the effort listed is reasonable to be charged based on the funds and distribution percentages listed under “Expense Distribution” in relation to work performed, or that action has been taken to initiate the appropriate corrections to ensure the payroll distribution is reallocated to reflect a reasonable distribution in relation to the work performed.
Supervisors must review and approve time sheets within published deadlines in order for employees to be paid accurately.
All employees must be assigned to a supervisor for each active job.
Users assigned to this role can:
- access, edit and approve timesheets for employees in assignment groups delegated to them,
- review prior period timesheets,
- review and approve employee time-off requests,
- access the communication checkbox and comments field to easily submit requests for timesheet amendments, personnel action changes (fund distribution overrides –temporary or permanent, employee termination paperwork, etc.),
- receive e-mails regarding unapproved timesheets of employees in assignment groups delegated to them,
- assign employees to schedules,
- delegate or receive delegation of supervisor permissions for their assignment groups.
More WorkForce Information
See WorkForce Frequently Asked Questions page for more information, training and forms.
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