i. Notification when Absences are Unavoidable
ii. Tardiness
SDSU Research Foundation employees are expected to have regular attendance and to report to work in accordance with their established work schedule. Both PIs and department supervisors are dependent upon each employee's presence and punctuality in scheduling work and meeting deadlines.
i. Notification when Absences are Unavoidable
Employees unable to report to work or those who will be more than 30 minutes late must notify the appropriate supervisor as far in advance as possible. When reporting an absence, the employee should also state the date or time(s) he expects to return to work.
Absence for three consecutive days without notification or approval is considered a voluntary resignation.
ii. Tardiness
Employees are expected to be ready to begin and end work on schedule. Arriving late or leaving earlier than the scheduled work times, breaks or meal periods must be approved in advance by the appropriate supervisor.
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