Board of Directors
SDSU Research Foundation, as a nonprofit corporation, is governed by a board of directors in accordance with its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. The principal function of the board is to establish policies and guide the corporation in achieving its mission and objectives. According to the bylaws, the board of directors consists of two groups:
- Ex officio Directors: The president, the provost, the vice president for research, the vice president for business and financial affairs, and the president of Associated Students of SDSU;
- Directors Elected by the Board of Directors:
- Four faculty members of the university recommended by the senate, nominated by the president, and elected for four-year terms
- Up to eight individuals at least five of whom are "public" members from the community, nominated by the president and elected for three-year terms.
SDSU Research Foundation's executive director reports directly to the board of directors, serving as the liaison between the board and a staff that implements all board policies. Total SDSU Research Foundation employees number approximately 2,000 including about 160 central staff members.
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