- Most plans and premiums will remain the same. The PPO premiums will increase slightly.
- Current year Flexible Spending Account (FS) elections will end 12/31/2024.
- To participate in an FSA for 2025 you MUST make a new election for 2025.
- Choose Cigna DHMO or DPPO dental plan for the year or continue with your current plan. The monthly switch plan is no longer available.
- Enrollment counselors available to assist with new online enrollment and provide benefit information. Schedule your appointment at SDSURF.mybenefitsappointment.com.
- View the open enrollment Brainshark Presentation to learn about the plan information.
- Decision making support tool, “Ask Emma” available as you complete your enrollment in bswift.
- Last day to enroll is November 8, 2024.
- If you have questions, contact the SDSURF Benefits team by email.