Stamping Activity
Although the experts have not yet figured out why, the fact remains: children love to stamp! When the program was tested at the San Diego Zoo, children received a stamping sheet and instructions (on flip side of tipsheet) as they entered the zoo. The goal was to match the correct animal with its sunwise adaptation. At each featured animal’s exhibit, the child approached the special stamping kiosk, where the answer to the clue was provided, and stamped the animal in the correct box, as shown in the photo below.
This activity can be modified as a paper-and-pencil game in your main or children’s newsletter. Or, from your newsletter or webpage, direct your visitors to the computerized interactive version.

Parents' ratings of the stamping activity
Download the Who Am I? rubber stamp activity (pdf 39 kB)
Download the Who Am I? paper and pencil activity (pdf 39 kB)