Make it easier for your guests to be sunsafe while increasing your gift shop sales by offering discounts on your sunscreens and wide-brimmed hats. These discounts can be as small or large as your budget allows. They can be offered on a limited basis or long-term. Consider sponsorship by your vendor or the manufacturer. The coupons can be distributed alone, attached to the tipsheet, and/or printed in your newsletter. And, if your gift shop currently does not stock wide-brim hats or sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher, you may want to consider adding these items. Publicize your promotion with point-of-purchase signs.

Sales Data and Redemption Rates
Download a point-of-purchase sign promoting hats, sunscreen and sunglasses (pdf 64kB)
Download a point-of-purchase sign promoting coupons (pdf 65kB)